Knitting already!
Oh Goddammit! I had all these pictures loaded and then I lost the damn thing. Now I have to start over. Someday I'll get the hang of this - either that or find a host that's more intuitive. *sigh* One more time:

Go buy stuff! It's cool!

Here's the heraldic pouch I knitted - yeah, I know I already posted it, but it's knitting, dammit! I used 0000 needles and 12/2 Gemstone silk from Halcyon. The gauge is something ridiculous - can't remember off the top of my head.

I just finished sock #2 of this pattern, another test-knit for Judy's sock-of-the-month club from a coupla years ago (can you say backlog?)

Bonus Point: Spot the error in the pattern on the body...
Not knitting:
Here's my Baby Girl on her first day of preschool (like a month ago - I'm such a rotten mother, I know.) That's her attempt at a smile for the camera, btw. I don't know why, but my kids seem to freeze up in front of a camera for some reason. I either get this kind of a face, or they look like they're at a funeral. Go figure.
(Yes, she dressed herself. How did you know?)
Also Not Knitting
This is the dress I wore to the event on Saturday. It's based on an image from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. It's one of the most famous illuminated manuscripts there is - chances are, if you've seen only one in your life, it's this one. This particular gown and sleeves are from the August calendar page.
The hood is a very popular accessory from the period. The green belt indicates that I am an apprentice (in the SCA.) I made it - it's tablet woven, in a pattern derived from an extant piece, with more Gemstone Silk. I don't remember what grist it was - maybe 8/2?
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