Location: Wild West, United States

Friday, July 18, 2008

Like a Hole in the Head.... I need a new hobby. And yet, here I go, embarking anyway. I hope you'll understand why when you see the pictures. It was all inspired by this:

You can see the whole thing, complete with story and detail shots here.

After exploring the website of this prolific miniaturist, I decided to make my own, using her instructions for the Mossy Glen.

I found the suggested dome too expensive so I picked up this jar instead. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the process as I was so absorbed in it. Nevertheless, here's what I have so far:

The glue will be clear when dry, and will hopefully look like water. The tree is a root of something-or-other I pulled up a while back; I found it out in the yard. It was too tall for the jar, so I broke off the tip, and that became the log on the ground. I may paint the tree's foliage green later - I haven't decided yet. The ferns are made from the individual fronds of a faux fern from Hobby Lobby. I used an Exacto knife to cut the little fronds into them, then glued them to a pin to form a plant.

The flower I love. I wanted to make a lady slipper, but I didn't know how I would form the flower. The leaves came from the same fern, cut down, wired, and bent. The flower stalk is from some dried heather I had. It's not exactly a lady slipper - more like something between that and a foxglove, but I think it looks lovely.

I'll take more pics when the water is dry and after any more changes.

Cool, huh?


Blogger twenty pound tabby said...

That is pretty cool! A miniature bit of a cool forest.
And now I've found another blog to read!

2:49 PM  

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