Location: Wild West, United States

Monday, November 07, 2016

1910's Tea Party Gown - Update!

The corset is complete! Well, mostly. Okay, it's wearable. I still have to add hooks and eyes to the lower center fronts, and I really should finish the eyelets somehow. Also, still deciding whether or not to bother with garters. BUT IT'S WEARABLE! That means that I can move on to the next steps, because I can put it on and get measurements and do fitting. Yay!

If I'm going to use stockings and garters, then I will need a new shift or combo shift and drawers, because my current one is too long. Also, I need to decide if I really need that petticoat or not. It would smooth out the lines a bit maybe, but I don't really need it for shaping I don't think - it's pretty much a straight columnar silhouette, so I may be able to get away with skipping it.

I'm not sure about the logic of taking shortcuts at the same time that I'm going way overboard on details and accuracy...after all, I've gone so far as to make a corset, is it silly to then stop there, rather than going all the way and really doing it right? Or is it silly to insist on little details that no one but me will ever see?

I'm planning on wearing this outfit exactly once. Am I crazy? Probably. And no, I am not posting a picture of me in the corset!


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