Knit Me A Straightjacket

Location: Wild West, United States

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Too good not to blog.

The latest from our friends at Lion Brand Yarn:

"New Plush Throw Remakes

Plush Throw in Wool-Ease Thick & Quick
Plush Throw in JiffyOur original plush throw was so popular, we decided to make it in two different yarns, using two fashion-forward colors. (emphasis mine) These throws are perfect for curling up on the couch on a cool autumn day. So easy, you'll want to make one for everyone you know. "

Wait for it.....

Why am I suddenly having flashbacks? Anyone?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

And another one

My BabyGirl had her fifth *sniff* birthday party recently. She chose a theme of "Pink, pink, and more pink!"

It nearly killed me. Yech. I hate pink. But hey, it was her party and she and her little friends were ecstatic, so it was worth the sacrifice.

Anyway, check it out:

The Tinkerbell cake (name blurred for privacy.)

The assembly.

Opening gifts, princess-style. Hey, at least she knows what she likes.

About damn time

What can I say? My life is like a box of chocolates....

Anyway, here are some knitting pics for your viewing pleasure:

The ever-popular Li'l Devil Baby Hat, always well-received (so far) from here: Yeah yeah, so I've already posted this. Tough. I really like it and it's my blog so there. :-P

A little something on-the-needles for my Firstborn. I'll try to post a finished pic on the model soon.

And finally this one, for my BabyGirl. I consider this one something of a miracle. One day I was itching to spin, so I went into my stash and picked something pretty. Next thing I knew, it had all turned into yarn. Pretty soon it magically morphed into a finished sweater. I have no idea how this happened, but I did three things that I almost never do:

1. I used something from my stash

2. I finished it.

3. I designed, started, and completed a garment BEFORE the child outgrew it.

Doesn't three miracles qualify me for sainthood or something? The fact that they all happened together kinda makes it a hat trick, too. Weird.